Dance Superstar | 舞蹈星團
Classes are a fusion of Pop, K-pop, and Hip Hop dance, which will be choreographed to today’s hottest hit songs! Your child will work on a piece of choreography and perform it at open class.
課程是融合了pop、 K-pop和Hip Hop 舞蹈,以時下最流行的音樂編舞!家長可於觀課時欣賞孩子的精彩表演。
Target Group 對象: Aged 3-5歲
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 9:00 - 10:00
Dates and Fees | 日期和費用:
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons堂, HK$3,600)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons堂, HK$2,700)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons堂, HK$2,700)
Instructor導師: Judy Mizoguchi, Whiz Kids
Medium of Instruction授課語言:English 英語
Chinese Folk Dance | 「舞拾陸」中國民族民間舞
Exclusive and top-notch folk dance teaching materials, teaching performative Chinese folk dance, allows students to learn dance easily and happily, while experiencing the colorful cultural characteristics. Students will perform at the end of each term.
Programme highlight 課程亮點 :
Performative 具有表演性
Colourful and energetic 豐富多彩且富有活力
Stage performance with costume 舞台表演和全套民族舞蹈服裝
Teaching by professional and well-trained dance teacher (Beijing Dance Academy, Minzu University of China College of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts School of Dance) 由訓練有質素的專業舞蹈老師授課 (北京舞蹈學院、中央民族大學舞蹈學院、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院)
Group A (D5001A)
Target Group對象: Aged 6-8 歲
Time時間: Saturday星期六, 14:30 – 15:30
Group B (D5002A)
Target Group對象: Aged 9-11 歲
Time時間: Saturday星期六, 15:30 – 16:30
Dates and Fees | 日期和費用:
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons堂 , HK$6,000*)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons堂, HK$4,500*)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons堂, HK$4,500*)
*Costume fee of $350 will be charged after class commenced
服裝費$350 將於課程開始後收取
*Certificate will be awarded to students enrolled in the full year programme (3 terms). 證書將頒發給參加全年課程(三個學期)的學生。
Co-organized with 合辦機構: Tanya Arts Tech Ltd 唐婭藝術科技有限公司
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:Mandarin普通話
Modern Chinese Dance | 當代中國舞
Modern dance featuring Chinese elements, lively dance style, diversify, full of fun, combining modern elements and full of challenges. Teaching by professional and well-trained dance teacher, helping students to showcase their talents on stage. Students will perform at the end of each term.
Programme highlight 課程亮點 :
Chinese dance with contemporary elements 融入當代元素的中國舞
lively and stylish, full of fun and challenges 生動而時尚,充滿樂趣,同時充滿挑戰
Performing on stage to showcase their talents 舞台表演展示才藝
Taught by professional and well-trained dance teacher (Beijing Dance Academy, Minzu University of China College of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts School of Dance) 由訓練有質素的專業舞蹈老師授課 (北京舞蹈學院、中央民族大學舞蹈學院、香港演藝學院舞蹈學院)
Target Group對象: Aged 12+歲
Time時間: Saturday星期六, 13:30 - 14:30
Dates and Fees | 日期和費用:
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons堂, HK$6,000)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons堂, HK$4,500)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons堂, HK$4,500)
*Costume fee of $350 will be charged after class commenced
服裝費$350 將於課程開始後收取
*Certificate will be awarded to students enrolled in the full year programme (3 terms). 證書將頒發給參加全年課程(三個學期)的學生。
Co-organized with 合辦機構: Tanya Arts Tech Ltd 唐婭藝術科技有限公司
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:Mandarin普通話