
Basketball | 籃球
This course will improve children's physical coordination, jumping ability, balance and concentration. There are variety of basic training including shooting, passing, dribbling, ball sense and footwork drills. They will also develop team spirit & spirit of cooperation.
Aged 3-4歲 (S8001A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 11:30 - 12:30
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$3,180)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,385)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,385)
Aged 5-7歲
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 13:00 - 15:00 (S8002B)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 15:00 - 17:00 (S8002A)
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$5,280)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,960)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,960)
Aged 8+歲
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 9:30 - 11:30 (S8003A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 13:00 - 15:00 (S8003B)
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$5,280)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,960)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,960)
Advanced Basketball | 籃球進階班 (S8004A)
For students who are 8 years old or above and recommended by coach.
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 15:00 - 17:00
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$5,280)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,960)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,960)
*Students have to bring their own basketball to lessons
Co-organized with 合辦機構: ASG
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語
Taekwondo | 跆拳道
Taekwondo helps to develop children's spiritual and physical strength. Training is carefully structured with guidance from qualified coaches.
Beginners | 初學者 (S0051C)
Target Group 對象: Aged 4+ 歲
Time | 時間: Saturdays 星期六, 12:30 - 13:30
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$3,360)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,520)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,520)
Green-belt or above 綠帶或以上 (S0051B)
Time | 時間: Saturdays 星期六, 11:00 - 12:30
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$5,040)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,780)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$3,780)
Red-belt or above 紅帶或以上 (S0051A)
Time | 時間: Saturdays 星期六, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$6,720)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$5,040)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$5,040)
*Additional payment for uniform required 學生需要額外支付制服費用
All levels must be assessed except for Beginner
除報讀初學者外, 報讀其餘級別須考核。
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語
Inline Skating | 滾軸溜冰
Inline skating offers a multitude of benefits, notably its low impact on bones and joints, making it a great choice for maintaining joint health. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive full-body workout, effectively improving cardiovascular fitness and enhancing heart health. With its combination of fun and excitement, inline skating proves to be an enjoyable activity!
學習單排滾軸溜冰滾軸有很多好處,特別是它對骨骼和關節的影響不大,能保持關節健康。此外,它提供全面的全身鍛煉,有效增強心臟健康。 直排滾軸既有趣又刺激,是一項令人愉快的活動!
Aged 6-8歲(S7401A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 9:30 - 10:30
Aged 9-11歲 (S7402A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 10:30 - 11:30
*This Programme starts from Term 2 本課程從第二學期開始
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,610)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,610)
Remarks 備註:
Equipment required: Inline Skates ($650) and Protection gears & Helmet ($400). These can be purchased via us before class commencement.
所需設備:單排滾軸溜冰鞋($650)及防護裝備和頭盔($400)。 這些可以在課程開始前透過我們購買。
Co-organized with 合辦機構: M15 Roller Skating School Company Ltd.
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語
Tennis | 網球
Development Squad: Red Ball 紅球初學者
Red ball programme teaches players fundamental hand-eye coordination, develops sending and receiving skills, movement and tennis technique foundations. Introducing players as quickly as possible into rallies, the rules of the game and into point play. This programme is a fun multifaceted baseline to a child's development within the game.
Aged 4-5歲 (S7030A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 09:00 - 10:00
Aged 6-8歲
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 10:00 - 11:00 (S7031A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 16:00 - 17:00 (S7031B)
Rising Star Squad: Orange Ball 橙球進階班
Orange ball programme with orange compression balls is suitable for both younger experienced players progressing on from red ball that are of level, or slightly older players 8-9 years new to tennis or have established technical competency and semi-confident rallying skills. At the end of the term, a competition will be organized to showcase the players' progress and achievements.
橙球進階班使用橙色壓縮球,適合從具有一定水平而經驗豐富的紅球初階學生進一步學習,或剛剛接觸網球或已經建立了一些基礎的稍微年長的球員(8-9 歲)。技術能力和半自信的拉力對打技巧。學期未將組織一場比賽來展示球員的學習和成就。
Aged 8-10歲
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 11:00 - 12:00 (S7032A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 15:00 - 16:00 (S7032B)
Rising Star Squad: Green Ball 綠球進階班
Green ball programme with green compression balls is suitable for both younger experienced players progressing on from orange ball that are of level, or slightly older players (9-11 year olds) new to tennis or that have established some technical competency and semi-confident rallying skills. At the end of the term, a competition will be organized to showcase the players' progress and achievements.
使用綠色壓縮球進行的綠球進階班,適合從具有一定水平的橙球進階而有豐富經驗的年輕球員,或剛剛接觸網球或已經建立了一些基礎的稍微年長的球員(9-11 歲)。 技術能力和半自信的拉力對打技巧。學期未將組織一場比賽來展示球員的學習和成就。
Aged 11-15歲
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 14:00 - 15:00 (S7034A)
Time | 時間: Saturday 星期六, 13:00 - 14:00 (S7034B)
Term 1 學期: 9/9 – 9/12/2023 (12 lessons 堂, HK$3,480)
Term 2 學期: 13/1 – 23/3/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,610)
Term 3 學期: 13/4 – 15/6/2024 (9 lessons 堂, HK$2,610)
Remarks 備註:
Students will receive an ATA squad shirt, End of Term Certificate and Coach progress reports. 學生將收到 ATA 球衣、證書和進度報告。
Classes conducted in outdoor court 課堂於室外運動場進行
Students need to prepare their own tennis racket 學生需自備網球拍
Co-organized with 合辦機構: Australasia Tennis (ATA)
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語