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NEW [Y9142] Code Club Advanced Level 編程學會 (Ages 10-12)

Code Club Advanced Level 編程學會

Time 時間: Saturday 星期六, 13:00 - 14:30 (Y9142)


Term 1 & 2: Technology and the World 科技與世界的探索


To explore technology themes that relate to global interests, like artificial intelligence and game development. With more emphasis on JavaScript programming, creating scrolling video game, vertical jumper game & explore how artificial intelligence is used in art and music. To enhance the development of projects, students will also explore ethical decision making of AI technologies and video games. Esports has grown immensely in popularity, creating their own esports games. This is a valuable way for students to understand that video games can also be considered a form of sport. The Image Styler and Beat Maker tools can serve to educate students on how AI and technology have proliferated into many industries beyond just gaming.



Learning Highlights 學習重點:

● Introduce to real-world examples of AI technologies and video games, looking at AI developments with a critical lens to determine ethical practices in the use of data in AI systems. 介紹人工智能技術和視頻遊戲的實際案例,深入理解新技術如何幫助現今世界。學生將以批判性的角度看待人工智能的發展,釐清使用人工智能系統數據時的倫理實踐。

● Teachers will lead students through 5 guided projects, learn how to program using advanced JavaScript libraries for gaming like Phaser and how to make use of machine learning libraries for image recognition. Gain an understanding of how AI and machine learning systems work. 老師會帶領學生完成5個指導性項目,教授更深入的JavaScript概念,例如使用數據庫儲存及檢索數據。學習如何運用Phaser等專門用於遊戲的高級JavaScript函式庫進行編程,以及如何利用機器學習庫進行圖像識別。了解人工智能及機器學習系統的運作原理。

● Students will be asked to customize a project of their choice based on the 2 project briefs that are provided. 課程完結時,學生會被要求根據提供的2個項目大綱自行度身訂做一個項目。


Term 3: Code Your Own World with VR VR 編碼:創造你的奇幻宇宙


After learning how technology connect with AI and Game, we will take students from forests to Mars, students will bring their imaginations to life by coding their own virtual reality world. Developed with HTML, JavaScript, and A-Frame, they will code and add their own customized textures, elements and interactions to complete their realistic simulated 3D environments.

在學習了科技如何與人工智能和遊戲相結合之後,我們將帶領學生從森林到火星,讓學生通過編 碼創造自己的虛擬現實世界,將他們的想像力變為現實。學生將運用HTML、JavaScript和A-Frame開發,自訂紋理、元素和交互功能,完成逼真的模擬3D 環境。


Learning Highlights 學習重點:

● Explore how developers assemble and approach the design of virtual reality worlds and explore how professionals consider elements like, placement, backgrounds, settings and genres. 探索開發者如何組裝和設計虛擬現實世界,以及專業人士如何考慮 擺放、背景、場景和類型等元素。

● Learn the fundamentals of A-Frame along with HTML, CSS and JavaScript to customize textures, elements and virtual interactions. AFrame is a professional framework for designing and coding virtual experiences. 學習A-Frame、HTML、CSS和 JavaScript的基本原理,以自定義紋理、元素和虛擬互動。A-Frame是一個專業的框架, 用於設計和編碼虛擬體驗。

● Create VR scenes with custom themes, animations, gaze controls, and textures. Students will work through a progression of 13 projects, with each one teaching a specific feature of the A-Frame framework. As a final capstone project, students will then apply what they have learned in the guided projects to create a custom scene of their own in the sandbox. 使用自定義主題、動畫、凝視控制和紋理創造VR場景。學生 將完成13個漸進式項目,每個項目都會教授A-Frame框架的特定功能。最後,學生將把在 指導性項目中學到的知識應用到自己創建的定制場景中。


Term 1 學期: 12 lessons 堂, HK$5,040


Term 2 學期: 11 lessons 堂, HK$4,620

(Dates 日期:11/1, 18/1, 25/1, 8/2, 15/2, 22/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3, 29/3)


Term 3 學期: 9 lessons 堂, HK$3,780

(Dates 日期:5/4, 12/4, 26/4, 3/5, 10/5, 17/5, 24/5, 7/6, 14/6)


Remarks 備註:

Students need to bring their own Laptop computer


  • with Web Browsers of 需有瀏覽器:
    • Chrome (at least version 66 版本以上)
    • Firefox (at least version 59)
    • Safari (at least version 11 版本以上)
  • iPad is not applicable 平板電腦不適用


Instructor 導師: BSD Education

Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語

NEW [Y9142] Code Club Advanced Level 編程學會 (Ages 10-12)

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