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NEW [Y9141] Code Club Beginners Level 編程學會 (Ages 6-9)

Code Club Beginners Level 編程學會 

Time 時間: Saturday 星期六, 14:45 - 15:45 (Y9141)


Term 1 - Code Creator: Design and Play Your Own Arcade Games



As new explorers of technology, students will make connections to technology by participating in entry-level Guided Projects that allow them to share their own personal experiences and interests. Students will learn introductory skills in HTML and CSS while exploring basic concepts in JavaScript. Students will create their own personal web-page, a blog, make their own quiz game and develop other similar digital artifacts. These projects will teach the basics of web design along with critical digital skills like design thinking, prototyping and digital citizenship. 作為技術的新探索者,學生將通過參與入門級的指導性項目與技術建立聯繫,讓他們分享自己的個人經歷和興趣。學生將在探索JavaScript基本概念的同時,學習HTML和CSS的基本技能。學生將創建自己的個人網頁、blog,製作自己的測驗遊戲,並開發其他類似的數碼產品。這些項目將教授網頁設計的基礎知識,以及設計思維、原型製作和數碼公民意識等重要的數碼技能。


Learning Highlights 學習重點:

  • Students will be introduced to methods and design protocols that real web-designers use and will explore how to interact and engage safely in online environments through activities that develop digital citizenship 學生將被介紹到網頁設計師使用的方法和設計協議,並通過培養數碼公民意識的活動,探討如何在網上環境中安全地進行互動和參與。
  • Teachers will lead students through 7 Guided Projects that teach the necessary skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to design custom web pages that will start to cultivate computational thinking. Students will also learn how to plan out project ideas as a design process. 老師將帶領學生完成7個指導性項目,教授設計自定義網頁所需的HTML 、CSS和JavaScript技能,從而培養計算思維。學生同時也將學習如何作為設計過程來規劃項目構想。
  • Create: Games that can be played and shared on your devices. Practice fundamental programming concepts such as functions and variables. Build a variety of mini 2D arcade games to add to your portfolio 學生將在整個課程中創作7個獨特的項目。在課程結束時,學生將被要求自定一個他們選擇的項目作為課程的總結性任務。每個項目都可進行定制,並可使用公開網址或QR碼分享。


Term 3 - Mobile Game Developer 手機遊戲開發創造者


After learning the fundamentals of HTML, CAA and JavaScript, we will take students to a more challenging level to build games that can be played on both desktop and mobile devices. This course is designed for students who has prior experience with HTML, CSS,and JavaScript.Using the BSD Online learning platform, students will build a total of five different games — a platformer, a trac game, a nonogram puzzle game, a battle game, and a jumping game. Students will,learn about game development and design, and explore how to add further customizations to their projects.They will end the course with a tech portfolio of the projects they’ve created, and will be able to use their new skills to move onto more complex projects in the future. 在學習了HTML、CSS和JavaScript的基礎知識後,我們將帶領學生進入一個更具挑戰性的水平,建立可在桌面和移動設備上玩的遊戲。 這個課程是針對有HTML、CSS和JavaScript經驗的學生設計的。學生將使用BSD Online學習平台,共建造五種不同類型的遊戲、一個平台遊戲、一個賽車遊戲、一個非諾格拼圖遊戲、一個戰鬥遊戲和一個跳躍遊戲。 學生將學習遊戲開發和設計的知識,並探索如何對他們的項目進行更多自定義。課程結束時,他們將擁有一個由自己創建的項目的技術作品集,並能夠使用新學到的技能去進行更複雜的項目。


Learning Highlights 學習重點:

  • Explore 探索 : Students will develop their understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by working through a progression of 5 game projects. 學生將通過完成五個遊戲項目的方式,促進他們對HTML、CSS和JavaScript的理解。
  • Learn 學習 : Teachers will lead students through guided projects that teach the fundamentals of game development to create a series of projects. After completing the guided projects, students will also learn how to add further customizations to their projects in sandbox. 老師將帶領學生完成一系列的引導性項目,教授遊戲開發的基本原理。在完成這些引導性項目後,學生還將學習如何對自己的項目進行更多的自定義和創新。
  • Create 創作 : Students will create five unique projects throughout this course. 在整個課程中,學生將創造五個獨特的遊戲項目。


Term 1 學期: 12 lessons 堂, HK$3,360


Term 2 學期: 11 lessons 堂, HK$3,080

(Dates 日期:11/1, 18/1, 25/1, 8/2, 15/2, 22/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3, 29/3)


Term 3 學期: 9 lessons 堂, HK$2,520

(Dates 日期:5/4, 12/4, 26/4, 3/5, 10/5, 17/5, 24/5, 7/6, 14/6)


Remarks 備註:

Students need to bring their own Laptop computer 學生須自備手提電腦

  • with Web Browsers of 需有瀏覽器:
    • Chrome (at least version 66 版本以上)
    • Firefox (at least version 59)
    • Safari (at least version 11 版本以上)
  • iPad is not applicable 平板電腦不適用


Instructor 導師: BSD Education

Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語

NEW [Y9141] Code Club Beginners Level 編程學會 (Ages 6-9)

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    Class Venue 上課地點: 3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘多福道3號
    Enquiry 查詢: 2337 0369

    WhatsApp: 9428 8265

    WeChat: yalchk

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