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NEW [S7013] Badminton 羽毛球  (Technical Improvement Class 技術改良班)

Badminton Technical Improvement Class 羽毛球技術改良班 (S7013)

Time 時間: Saturday 星期六, 10:00 - 11:00


The course is designed in line with the level of the HKBA Star Medal Examination. Through formal training, students can lay good basic badminton skills and movements, including: high and low shots, serve, return of serve, footwork, etc., and understand the rules of badminton competition, so that they can compete in sparring matches. , and make students willing to continue learning and continue to participate in badminton.


課程配合羽毛球總會星章考試級別設計,藉由正規訓練為學生打下良好羽毛球基本技術、動作包括: 高遠球、發球、接發球、步法等基礎,並了解羽毛球比賽規則,可以進行對打比賽,並令學生樂意繼續學習並持續參與羽毛球運動。


Term 1 學期: 12 lessons 堂, HK$5,400

Term 2 學期: 11 lessons 堂, HK$4,950

Term 3 學期: 9 lessons 堂, HK$4,050


Remarks 備注:

Students have to bring their own badminton rackets



Co-organized with 合辦機構: Sinsports Academy LTD

Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語

NEW [S7013] Badminton 羽毛球 (Technical Improvement Class 技術改良班)

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