Badmiton Advanced Competition Class 羽毛球進階比賽班 (S7014)
Time 時間: Saturday 星期六, 11:30 - 13:00
The course is designed in line with the level of the HKBA Youth Team Examination. Through formal training, students can lay good advanced badminton skills and movements, besides formating basic skilss: high and low shots, serve, return of serve, footwork, etc., we will focusing on enhancing students’ abilities of sparring matches, make our players are able to participating competitions in different levels.
Term 1 學期: 12 lessons 堂, HK$5,400
Term 2 學期: 11 lessons 堂, HK$4,950
(Dates 日期:11/1, 18/1, 25/1, 8/2, 15/2, 22/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3, 29/3)
Term 3 學期: 9 lessons 堂, HK$4,050
(Dates 日期:5/4, 12/4, 26/4, 3/5, 10/5, 17/5, 24/5, 7/6, 14/6)
Remarks 備注:
Students have to bring their own badminton rackets
Co-organized with 合辦機構: Sinsports Academy LTD
Medium of Instruction 授課語言:English 英語
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